The Story of Britain Page 29
Edward VI, King 103, 105, 108
Edwardians 269–71
Einstein, Albert 319, 320
Eisenhower, General 316
El Alamein, Battle of 313, 341
Elizabeth I, Queen 86, 88, 103, 112–13, 119–25, 126, 129, 130, 135
and Mary Queen of
Scots 114–17, 119
Elizabeth II, Queen 329, 341
Engagers 146–7
Engels, Friedrich 263–4, 272, 292
Erasmus, Desiderius 81
Essex, Robert Devereux,
Earl of 122, 130
Ethelred the Unready 15
European Union 331, 341
Exclusion Crisis 164–5, 174
factories 237–8, 240, 241–5
Falkland Islands 335
Faraday, Michael 287
Fawcett, Millicent 267
Fawkes, Guy 138
Field of the Cloth of Gold 93
First World War 278–86, 290, 294, 340
Flamsteed, John 157
Flodden, Battle of 91–2
Ford, Henry 296
Fox, Charles 208
France 89–90, 303, 305, 316–18
Francis I, King of France
89–90, 91, 93, 130
Frank, Anne 314
French Revolution 208, 209–10, 211, 213, 224
French Revolutionary wars 213, 214–20, 224
Frobisher, Martin 124
Gagarin, Yuri 327
Galileo 156, 173
Gallipoli campaign 283–4
Gandhi, Mohandas 274, 323–4, 325, 332, 341
Gaskell, Elizabeth 244
Gaveston, Piers 59, 60
general strike 294–5
genocide 314
George I, King 184, 187, 194
George II, King 187, 194
George III, King 176, 187, 206, 207–8, 224
George IV, King (the Prince
Regent) 187, 207–8, 224, 229, 235
George VI, King 309, 329
Germany 270, 329
Berlin Wall 326, 337, 341
Cold War 326–8
First World War 277–86
Nazi 297–302
Second World War 301–20, 321, 326
Gladstone, William 227, 265, 272
Glencoe massacre 183–4, 224
Globe theatre 128–9, 130
Glorious Revolution 167–71, 174, 183, 186, 188, 191
Godwinson, Harold 16–17, 18, 23, 25–6, 33, 50
Gothic architecture 36, 80, 83
Great Depression 296–7
Great Exhibition 246–7, 252, 272
Great War 272, 278–86, 290, 294, 340
Grey, Edward 278
Grey, Lady Jane 86, 108–9, 130
Gruffudd ap Llywelyn 33
Gunpower Plot 136, 137–8, 173
guns 73, 90
Hadrian’s Wall 11, 12, 18
Hardrada, Harald 16, 23
Hargreaves, James 237
Harvey, William 157, 173
Hastings, Battle of 25–6
Hawkins, John 124
Henry I, King 29, 30
Henry II, King 20, 31–2, 33, 50, 83, 122
and the Church 35, 36–8
and Ireland 34–5
Henry III, King 46–7, 50, 83
Henry IV, King 72, 73, 74, 84
Henry V, King 72, 74, 84
Henry VI, King 72, 74, 75, 76, 84
Henry VII, King (Henry
Tudor) 79, 80, 84, 89–90, 91, 130
Henry VIII, King 86, 91, 93–95, 99–105, 108, 112, 114, 122, 130
Hereward the Wake 27
highwaymen 193
Hindus in India 324–5
Hitler, Adolf 297, 298–9, 300–2, 305, 309, 310, 311, 314, 315, 318, 340-1
Holbein, Hans 93, 103
Holocaust 314, 318
Hotspur (Henry Percy) 72, 84
Howard, Catherine 104
Huguenots 166
Hume, David 205
Hundred Years War 62–5, 72, 74, 75, 84
Hunt, Henry “Orator” 230–1
Huskisson, William 239
Hutton, James 205
Hywel Dda 15
immigration 333–4, 341
India 126, 130, 197, 198, 199–200, 224, 269
Amritsar massacre 323
independence 323–5, 341
Indian Mutiny 252–4, 272
Industrial Revolution 236, 237–8, 338
internet 335, 341
Ireland 12
Christianity 11, 13, 18
civil war and
independence 289, 290–1, 340
Cromwell’s army in 149
Elizabethan 122–3, 130
English conquest of 34–5, 83
famine 259–60, 272
and the Glorious
Revolution 171
Home Rule for 261–2
Northern Ireland 290–1, 331–2, 336, 341
Phoenix Park murders 262, 272
the United Irishmen 211–12, 224
Vikings 15, 34
Isabella the She-Wolf 60–1, 84
Israel 338
Jacobites 184, 187, 194–6, 224, 229
Jamaica 151, 180, 333
James II, King 164–5, 166, 167–71, 174, 184, 186, 211
James IV, King of Scotland
91–2, 114, 130
James the Pretender 184, 187, 194
James V, King of Scotland 114
James VI and I, King 117, 130, 135–6, 140, 173
Japan 319–20, 321
Jarrow March 297
Jazz Age 289
Jefferson, Thomas 203–4
Jeffreys, George 167–8
Jews 51, 52–3, 83, 151, 299, 338
the Holocaust 314, 318
Joan of Arc 75
Johnson, Amy 289
Kay, John 237
Keats, John 223
Keir Hardie, James 265–6, 272
Kingsley, Charles 244
knights 64
Knox, John 87, 114, 115, 116
Labour governments 321–2, 341
Labour Party 265–6, 272, 294
Lackland, King John 41, 43, 44–5, 50, 83, 140
Laud, William, Archbishop of
Canterbury 140, 141
League of Nations 286, 301
Lenin, Vladimir Ulyanov 292, 340
Levellers 146, 149, 151
Liberal Party 265, 266, 294
Light Brigade, Charge of the 248–9, 250, 272
Liverpool, Lord 232, 272
LLoyd George, David 266, 272
Llywelyn ap Gruffudd 50–1, 83
Locke, John 172
the Blitz 276, 308–9
Elizabethan 126–7
factories 244
Georgian 189
Globe Theatre 128–9, 130
the Great Fire 161–2
Huguenots 166
plague 159–60
share trading 190
London, Tower of 77–8
Louis XIV, King of France 164, 166, 168, 186, 209
Louis XVI, King of France 209, 210, 224
Loveless, George 243
Luddites 242
Luther, Martin 97–8, 104, 130
MacAlpin, Kenneth 14–15, 18
Macdonald, Flora 196
Magellan, Ferdinand 124
Magna Carta 44–5, 46, 50, 83
Malcolm IV, King of Scotland 33, 83
Marconi, Guglielmo 289
Marx, Karl 263–4, 272, 292
Mary of Guise 114
Mary I, Queen (Bloody Mary) 108, 109, 110–11, 112, 130
Mary II, Queen 168, 170, 174, 184
Mary Queen of Scots 86, 113, 114–17, 119, 130
Matilda 30, 31–2, 34, 83
Mayflower 139, 173
merchants 126–7, 188
William 160
monasteries 13, 14
dissolution of 101–2
Monck, General 153, 154, 174
money 188–90
Monmouth Rebellion 167, 174
More, Thomas 86, 102, 130
Mortimer, Roger 60–1, 84
music 289, 329, 341
Muslims 40–1, 338
in India 324–5
Napoleon Bonaparte 213–15, 216–20, 224
National Health Service 322
navy 93, 229, 277
Napoleonic wars 214–15
Scottish 91
Nelson, Horatio 177, 178, 213, 214–15, 224
New Model Army 144, 146, 147, 148, 149, 152, 154
New Zealand 201
Newton, Isaac 157–8
Nightingale, Florence 250–1, 272
Nonconformists 172
Norman Conquest 16–17, 18, 23–6, 27, 33
Northern Ireland 291, 331–2, 336, 341
nuclear weapons 319–20, 326
O’Connell, Daniel 226, 232, 233–4, 272
Offa’s Dyke 12, 18
Ordainers 59, 84
Owain Glyn Dwr 21, 72–3, 84
Owain of Gwynedd 34, 50, 83
Owen, Wilfred 282
Pakistan 324, 325
Pankhurst, Emmeline 227, 267–8, 272
Parliament 46–7, 50, 68
and the American colonies 203
aristocrats in 191, 230, 335
and Charles I 140–2
and Charles II 164, 165
and the Civil War 143, 144
and Cromwell 147, 151
and George III 207–8
and the Glorious
Revolution 171
the Good Parliament 68, 84
Great Reform Act 235–6, 263
and the Gunpowder Plot 137–8
the Long Parliament 153
Pride’s Purge 147
the Rump 150, 153, 154
Scottish 183, 185, 335–6, 341
Toleration Act 172, 174
Parnell, Charles Stewart 261–2, 332
Parr, Katherine 104, 105
Patrick, Saint 11, 18
Paxton, Joseph 246–7, 272
Peasants’ Revolt 68–70, 71
Peel, Robert 245, 272
Pepys, Samuel 161–2
Peterloo Massacre 230–2, 272
Petition of Right 140, 141, 173
Picts 11, 12
Pilgrimage of Grace 102, 130
pirates 192
Pitt, William (the Elder) 176, 198, 212
Pitt, William (the Younger) 213–14, 221
plague 159–60
the Black Death 66–7, 68, 84, 159
Poland 301–2, 337
poor people 191, 192, 244–5, 266
Popish Plot 165, 174
Princes in the Tower 21, 77–8
printing press 81–2
Protestants 98–9
and Bloody Mary 110–11
and the Glorious
Revolution 167–8
in Ireland 122–3, 212, 331–2
in Scotland 114
Puritans 136, 139, 140, 143, 149–50, 164
Pym, John 141, 142
radar 303, 305
radio 289
railways 239–40, 272
Raleigh, Sir Walter 124, 126
Reformation 96, 97–8, 101, 130
Remembrance Sunday 286
Renaissance 81
Restoration 154–5
Rhodes, Cecil 255, 272
Rhodri Mawr 15, 18
Richard II, King 68, 69–70, 72, 84
Richard III, King 76, 77–8, 79, 84
Richard the Lionheart 20, 38–9, 41, 42, 43, 44, 52, 83
Richard of York 75, 84
Rizzio, David 115–16
Robespierre, Maximilien 210
Robin Hood 42–3, 83
Robinson, Mary 335
Romans 10–11, 18, 81
Romantic movement 223
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 316
Roundheads 143, 144
Royal Society 157
Rupert, Prince 143
Russell, Lord John 235–6
Russia 216–17, 248–9, 252, 294–5, 300
the USSR and the Cold
War 326–8
Russian Revolution 292–3, 340
Rye House Plot 165
Saladin 41, 83
Sancho, Ignatius 176, 221
scientists 156–8, 173, 205
Scotland 14–15, 18, 337
and Britishness 229
Church of 172
Covenanters 141, 143, 144, 146, 149–50, 165, 173
and Edward I 54–5, 83
Enlightenment 205–6
Jacobite rebellions 187, 194–6
James IV 91–2
James VI 135
Mary Queen of Scots 86, 113, 114–17
Normans in 33, 83
Parliament 183, 185, 335–6, 341
Robert Bruce 20, 56–8, 84, 114
union with England 183–5
Scots 12
Scott, Walter 229
sea voyages 48–9, 124–5, 201
Seacole, Mary 226, 251
Sealed Knot 151–2, 154
Second World War 301–20, 321, 326, 340
atomic bombs 319–20
Battle of Britain 305–7
the Blitz 276, 308–9
Blitzkrieg 301
bombing German cities 315
D-Day 316–18
daily life 310
doodlebugs 315
Dunkirk 303, 304
El Alamein 313
the Holocaust 314, 318
Seven Years War 197–8, 224
Seymour, Jane 103, 104
Shakespeare, William 87, 128–9, 130
share trading 188–90, 296
Shelley, Percy 223
Simnel, Lambert 89, 130
slavery 179–82, 221–2
Slim, William 319
Smith, Adam 205
Snow, Dr John 245, 272
Solemn League and Covenant 143
Somme, Battle of the 283, 340
South Africa 255
South Sea Bubble 188–90, 224
space race 327–8
Spain 89, 110, 151, 186
Spanish Armada 118–21, 124, 130, 163
Spanish Civil War 300
Stalin, Josef 294–5, 300, 325
steam power 237–8
Stephen, King 31, 32, 34, 83
Stephenson, George and
Robert 239, 272
strikes 294, 295, 331
Strongbow 34, 83
suffragettes 267–8, 272
sugar plantations 179–82
tanks 285
tea 126, 203
telephones 287
television 329
Tennyson, Alfred 249
Thatcher, Margaret 335, 341
Titanic 269–70, 272
Tolpuddle Martyrs 243, 272
Tone, Wolfe 177, 211, 224
Tories 165, 168, 170, 230, 235, 265
trade 48–9
Trafalgar, Battle of 214–15, 216, 224
Tudors 79
Turpin, Dick 193, 224
Tyler, Wat 68–70
Tyndale, William 98
Tyrone, Hugh O’Neill, Earl of 122
unemployment 296–7
Union Jack 185, 197, 201, 212
unions 243, 331, 335
United Irishmen 211–12, 224
United States 270, 296, 325, 326–8, 337–8
Second World War 316–18
Victoria, Queen 227, 246, 247, 255, 269, 272
Vikings 14, 15, 23, 34
Vortigern 12
voting 179, 191, 230, 300, 340
Chartists 263
reforms 235–6, 263, 265, 272, 287
suffragettes 267–8, 272
Wales 12, 15, 18, 337
Assembly 336, 341
English conquest of 50–1, 83
and the Industrial
Revolution 238
Normans in 33–4
Owain Glyn Dwr’s
rebellion 72–3
Wallace, William 54–5, 84
Walpole, Sir Robert 207, 224
War of the Spanish
Succession 186
Warbeck, Perkin 89, 130
Wars of the Roses 75–6, 79, 80, 84
Warwick the Kingmaker 75–6, 84
Washington, George 203–4
Waterloo, Battle of 218–20, 224
Watt, James 206
welfare state 321–2
Wellington, Duke of 177, 218–20, 224, 229, 232, 233–4, 235, 272
Whigs 165, 167, 168, 170, 172, 230, 265
and the Great Reform
Act 235–6
White Ship 29–30, 31, 83
Wilberforce, William 221–2, 224
Wilkinson, Ellen 297
William I (the Conqueror) 16–17, 18, 20, 23–6, 27–8, 29, 31, 83, 316
William III, King (William
of Orange) 168–9, 170, 183, 184, 186, 211
William IV, King 235–6, 246
William Rufus 29, 83
Williams, Francis 221
Wolfe, James 198
Wollstonecraft, Mary 223
Wolsey, Cardinal Thomas 94, 95–6, 99–100, 130
Jazz Age 289
voting rights 267–8, 272, 287, 340
Woodville, Elizabeth 75, 77
wool trade 48–9, 80
Wordsworth, William 223
Wyclif, John 95-6
young people in the Sixties 329–30
Lots of people helped write this book, but most of all I’d like to thank Martha, Joe and Nicola for reading the stories, Andrew Lownie, P. J. for his brilliant pictures, Martha again for the maps, John Goodall for his helpful comments, and everyone at Walker who made the book such fun – Beth, Genevieve, Georgie, and most of all Caz Royds who’s done more than anyone to help tell the story of Britain.
With special thanks to Martha Dillon for the maps
First published 2010 by Walker Books Ltd
87 Vauxhall Walk, London SE11 5HJ
This edition published 2012
Text © 2010 Patrick Dillon
Illustrations © 2010 P. J. Lynch
Maps © 2010 Martha Dillon
The right of Patrick Dillon and P. J. Lynch to be identified as author and illustrator respectively of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted or stored in an information retrieval system in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, taping and recording, without prior written permission from the publisher.